Weekly Services
Ephesians 4:11-13 tells us how believers are to be equipped for the work of the ministry. Believers grow and mature spiritually as they receive regularly from the ministry gifts that Jesus gave to the church. Among them are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The chief among them in terms of practical ongoing ministry is through that of the pastor. Drawing on the gift of a true pastor is critical for the sheep to be fed, nourished, and equipped for the work God has given them. Attending weekly services is the primary seource of ongoing ministry to both children and adults!

This is a time for adults to gather and make connections with other believers, build relationships, and be taught the Word. Currently CONNECT is held every Sunday morning at 9am and is led by various WHC Teachers and Leaders in the WHC Youth Room. Come and make a CONNECTION this week!

One of our most dynamic ministries, Women of Worth is the women's ministry at WHC. This ministry sponsors seasonal events, including an annual road trip to a regional women's conference as well as monthly fellowwship opporitunities!

Men have a tremendous and necessary role in the body of Christ, yet churches, statistically are predominantly women. We want to encourage men to rise up under the power of God and take their place as men, as protectors, and as leaders in their family and in the body of Christ! Fight Club meets on Saturdays at 7:00am!
Special Meetings & Seminars
WHC is blessed to be connected with some of the Body of Christ's most anointed and outstanding ministers. Throughout the year, special times are set aside to have them minister here or to travel to another location. These are important and powerful times of ministry and impartation that we look forward to every year! The more you make yourself available to attend these meetings, the greater these gifts will be able to help you!