Next Steps

Get Connected!

Being properly connected to a genuine pastor and a local church is linked to your longevity, prosperity, and blessing. By making yourself a vial part of Christ's body through maintaining a living connection to the local church, a supernatural supply is brought to your life that you cannot receive any other way.

Connecting with World Harvest Church of Paducah is easy!

First of all, PRAY!

Do your diligence to seek God about your place in His church. We shouldn’t just “decide” where we go to church, we should “discover” to whom God has called us to sit under and receive from, and where to put down spiritual roots.

Attend Services

Our congregation is a people and family oriented one. Simply by coming a little early and staying a little late you’ll have opportunity to meet people, discover how the ministry operates, and gain a sense of belonging.

Helps Ministry

God has invested gifts, talents, anointings, and a ministry in each of us. Each and every member of the Body of Christ should be able and even expected to bring their supply and make significant contributions to the ministry and the Kingdom of God. WHC has a special person dedicated to helping you find your niche and place of service within the church called the Helps Ministry Director. If you click the card below for Helps Ministry you can let us know where you are interested in serving. Once we receive that information our Helps Ministry Director, Rebecca Philpott, will follow up with you.

Register for New Members Class

This class is for seekers to come and find out what the church’s vision is, meet Dr. Cody, Pastor Amber, and other staff and leaders, ask questions, and discover whether World Harvest Church of Paducah is the right fit for you and your family. If you are interested in attending a class please fill out the blue New Members Card and drop it in the offering bucket and we will schedule a class!